Written by scott
Saturday, 02 February 2008
OK, who wants to hear a funny joke? What happens when a couple of guys decide to circumnavigate Australia on their bicycles but don?t bring enough money? Answer: They don?t make it. Ha, ha. Good stuff, isn?t it. Well, if you haven?t figured it out yet, after just three months Pat and I are almost out of money.
The good news that we should still be able to make it to Perth, which is roughly the distance from New York City to Los Angeles; but any hope of completing the circumnavigation has been lost. There?s a certain comfort in knowing that if we had the financial means we probably would have been able to make it all the way around. After 2000 miles our bodies are strong and there are no significant aches or pains to account for.
When we began this trip we were looking to: Do something unique, challenge ourselves physically, lose weight, and cure polio (oh wait, somebody already did that?well, I still count that as a win). The bottom line is that we are proud of what we've done and we can't wait to start planning our next adventure. And even though it sounds clich?d, we?ve also learned a lot about ourselves and what makes us tick. In my short life I've failed many more times than I succeeded, but in the end what really matters is that you give the big middle finger to everyone who thinks your dreams are crazy and you live the life you want to live.
We hope that you will continue to follow our trip because the most exciting parts are still to come. We appreciate everyone who has followed our progress and we keep checking the website for regular updates until we reach Perth in March. (6 Comments)
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 14 April 2020 )
Written by scott
Monday, 21 January 2008
I may only be a relatively young 30 years old, but I?d like to impart a little of my budding wisdom to travelers young and old alike. I?ve set foot on six continents and have been to more countries than I have years, yet I still see incipient explorers and seasoned world-wanderers make the same mistakes time and time again.
Part of the problem is that we live in a gotta-have-it-now, pre-packaged, fast food world. Now I know that this may not be the sort of profound insight you were looking for, but it?s part of a larger point. (3 Comments)
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 14 April 2020 )
Written by scott
Sunday, 13 January 2008
Two months ago when we began this...this...whatever you'd call this trip, I didn't bother looking more than a couple of weeks down the road. The way I figured it there were any number of catastrophic failures (equipment, body, mind) that could end this trip while still in its fledgling stages. It's not that I wasn't optimistic, but when an out of shape man makes grandiose plans to conquer the physical world it is ok to cast a shadow of doubt on said plans.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 14 April 2020 )
